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Expert Support for the ARIPO Master’s Training Programme

01 Apr 31 Oct

The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization, are delivering a comprehensive Intellectual Property (IP) Master’s Programme in English to three universities in Africa: the Africa University in Zimbabwe, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in Tanzania.

Africa’s accelerated economic growth means that there is a need for more widespread knowledge and use of IP, something the learning institutions (such as universities) can help disseminate. This Master’s programme aims to strengthen the IP network in Africa by spreading IP knowledge through research and teaching.

European Union Intellectual Property Office experts delivered lectures at the KNUST in March 2022, at the Africa University in August 2022 and at the UDSM in November 2022. They shared European Union (EU) best practices, the most recent EU case-law and the latest developments in the field.

Under the AfrIPI project, the EU will offer support with hardware, providing smartboards to the three university campuses to facilitate the delivery of online lectures.

This Activity will continue in AWP3.

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