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Regional workshop on accession to the Banjul Protocol

Harare, Zimbabwe

21 Apr 2021

The Banjul Protocol provides a centralised trade mark registration procedure. Applications for trade mark registrations may be submitted either to the ARIPO Office or to the industrial property office of a member state; and must designate the member state(s) where registration is sought. The Protocol is not limited to ARIPO member states, as it is also open to other African countries who can benefit from its advantages on accession.

Presently, ARIPO has 20 member states but only 12 states are either members of the Banjul Protocol or are in the process of joining it. It is therefore imperative that more ARIPO member states and other African countries be drawn to the benefits of accession to the Banjul Protocol.

The workshop focuses on creating awareness and interest for the African countries that are not yet a contracting party to the Banjul Protocol. The workshop will demonstrate the opportunities offered by the Banjul Protocol, both administrative and financial. The workshop will also serve as a platform to discuss how accession to the Banjul Protocol could enhance harmonisation across country borders in terms of trade mark rights protection and enforcement, which can have a positive impact on creating a more favourable investment climate and economic benefits at cross-national and regional levels in Africa.

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