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Soutien à la numérisation de l'Office Mauricien de la Propriété Industrielle (IPOM)

01 Jun 31 Dec

Based on the pilot in Nigeria, AfrIPI will continue the digitalisation efforts to benefit the Industrial Property Office of Mauritius.

A local service provider will be selected to scan, validate, and data-capture any missing files (trade marks, designs, and patents) and properly archive the files.

This activity is strictly linked to the integration of Mauritius into the EUIPN IT tools, such as TMView, DS View, TM Class, DS Class and Front Office. AfrIPI will promote the use of IPAS in the Office as their core back-office system. In addition, it will deploy an integrated EDMS solution, preferably WIPO Publish, that will make it easier to integrate with TMview.

To improve data quality, the Office will validate the data on record and resolve any inconsistencies to produce a clean database.


AfrIPI - AWP24 - Activity 17