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Soutien au réseau des juges de l'OAPI - 4ème conférence

01 Jan 31 Oct

For 2024, AfrIPI seeks to crown this long-standing engagement by helping OAPI to convene the Judges’ Network for the fourth and final seminar and allowing it to focus on a thematic area of IP litigation and practice, with the support of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal, and other specialised expertise. As a result of this multi-year engagement, which will be concluded during AWP4, AfrIPI will have supported OAPI in strengthening IP litigation and IP-related issues within the judicial and administrative systems, and provided a concrete tool to serve the legal and academic community. Moreover, the emergence of a network of IP judges will contribute to greater specialisation in IP as network members share best practices.


AfrIPI - AWP24 - Activity 6