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Appui technique à l'élaboration du cadre juridique des IGs dans les États membres de l'ARIPO

01 Jan 31 Dec

In total, the sub-Working Group on GIs has gathered five times (twice physically and three times online) since its creation (2022). This activity consists for AfrIPI in supporting two other on-site meetings of the sub-Working Group both technically and logistically.

The activity will focus on supporting the ARIPO ad hoc Working Group on GIs in moving forward on the creation of an enabling legal and institutional framework in accordance with international best practices on GIs.

The countries that are members of the sub-Working Group will be made even more capable in the field of GIs. In addition, ARIPO Member States’s needs regarding GIs will have been clearly identified and reflected in the model law. The model law will be ready and circulated amongst Member States for inspiration, amendment and/or adoption of sui generis laws.


AfrIPI - AWP24 - Activity 26