The first webinar on National GI Committees in the OAPI Region

On 14 March 2023, the first webinar on institutional capacity building for geographical indications (GIs) in the Organisation Africaine de la Propiété Intellectuelle (OAPI) region titled ‘Technical support to the development of the institutional framework for geographical indications in OAPI countries’ was organised by AfrIPI and the OAPI.
The first phase of this activity assembled key participants: national GI focal points and representatives from the National Liaison Structures together with the OAPI at a round-table discussion, which prompted a review of the state of the National GI Committees in the region. This exercise enabled the partners to make a preliminary diagnosis of the needs of these committees and to agree on a course of action.
During the webinar, breakout rooms composed of different workshops per group were created to reflect on the assistance and recommendations needed for an effective working committee. The event provided insights into key preoccupations such as how to stimulate the creation of and/or improve the way National GI Committees work, to develop an interstate dialogue on the institutional capacity for dealing with GIs, and to agree on the form that this institutional capacity building should take.
The presentations delivered by the Director General of OAPI, the AfrIPI deputy project leader, GI experts and consultants recruited for this activity covered the following topics:
why a national committee in the OAPI region?
how the GI Committees of Guinea, Benin, Cameroon and Senegal are managed;
recommendations for appropriate technical assistance to the National GI Committees in the OAPI region by the two rapporteurs.
This event is part of AfrIPI’s Annual Work Plan 3 activity ‘Technical support for the development of the institutional framework for GIs in OAPI countries’. It aims to support the creation and proper administration of National GI Committees by taking stock of the current situation and encouraging member states to make the most of their GIs.