Exchange of anti-counterfeiting best practices for Portuguese speaking African Countries
Praia, Cabo Verde
From 18 to 20 September 2024, the AfrIPI project, in collaboration with the Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property (INPI, Portugal), and hosted by the Standards & Intellectual Property Management Institute (IGQPI) in Cabo Verde, is organising a training programme to share best practices in fighting counterfeiting to help Cabo Verde and Angola, and potentially other Portuguese-speaking African countries, to develop more robust legal frameworks to protect intellectual property (IP).
The activity will consist of high-level discussions and exchange of experiences involving heads of IP Offices and IP policymakers from Portugal and the five Lusophone African countries, namely Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe. The discussions will draw on the experiences of Portugal and the European Union in creating and strengthening cross-border anti-counterfeiting initiatives, such as the Anti-Counterfeiting Group in Portugal, and will seek ways to replicate them in the Lusophone African countries.