Integration and implementation of IP tools (as of Sep 2020)
The activity aims to create awareness on the available IP tools and prepare the countries involved to integrate relevant EUIPN tools into their software. This integration process also includes the sharing of knowledge and experiences as well as technical hands-on sessions. Ever since the beginning of the AfrIPI project, OAPI spent several months gradually integrating DesignClass and the Harmonised Database tools. The process was completed in September 2020 and was a major step forward following the integration of TMView in January 2019.
AfrIPI, in collaboration with the EUIPO Digital Transformation Department and other projects funded by the EU, and implemented by EUIPO, has launched the process of establishing a TMView regional interface. The AfrIPI PMT plans on launching the interface in several pilot countries first, then gradually extending it.
Another development in terms of IP tool integrations, is the licence agreement between the EUIPO and the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB). The initial agreement was signed in September 2020. The aim is for the URSB to offer even more services than it already does. This is supported by the EUIPO through the AfrIPI project in collaboration with the EUIPO’s International Cooperation Service bilateral team.
The AfrIPI Project Management Team will also discuss EUIPN tools with the Nigeria Intellectual Property Office with the aim of defining a roadmap together.