Regional workshop on accession to the Banjul protocol
The Banjul protocol provides for a centralised trade mark registration procedure. The Banjul protocol is not limited to ARIPO member states, as it is also open to other African countries. In the framework of the AfrIPI project, a regional workshop will be organised to create awareness and interest for the African countries that are not yet a contracting party to this protocol. Best practices and lessons learnt on the use of a centralised trade mark registration procedure, such as the one offered by the Banjul protocol, will be shared by leading EU experts as well as experts from ARIPO member state signatories to the Banjul protocol. Additional benefits of the Banjul protocol will also be discussed such as the possibility of filing one single trade mark application for multiple classes of goods and/ or services, and enhancing the harmonisation across country borders in terms of trade mark rights protection and enforcement.