Workshop on the Integration and Implementation of IP tools
Harare, Zimbabwe
On 21 and 22 June 2022 AfrIPI will organise a Workshop on the Integration and Implementation of IP tools for ARIPO Member States in Harare, Zimbabwe.
IT tools offer immediate tangible benefits to the users of the IP system in Africa, such as, among others, quality and reliability, and access to information. At the same time, these tools generate efficiency gains for IP administrations and frees up resources to expand the IP rights services offered.
The workshop intends to establish a clear roadmap of the tools each office in the ARIPO Member States would want to use. The tools that were be presented were TMview, DesignView, TMclass, DesignClass, the Common Examiner Support Tool (CESTO), and the e-filing system (linked with the Harmonised Database of Goods and Services).