Boosting IP Knowledge in Tanzania: EUIPO and University of Dar es Salaam Join Forces

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) have signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation in intellectual property (IP) awareness and education. This strategic partnership combines the EUIPO’s extensive IP expertise with UDSM’s academic excellence, empowering future generations with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the innovation economy. The collaboration falls under the framework of the Pan-European Seal (PES) program, which is a testament to the EUIPO’s commitment to fostering a global IP culture.
Through the PES program, UDSM staff and students will gain access to a treasure trove of IP resources. This includes the EUIPO’s user-friendly online learning portal and valuable IP teaching kits. This collaboration will not only raise awareness of IP protection and enforcement amongst students but will also equip them with practical skills through targeted educational activities. Most notably, select UDSM students can participate in a comprehensive traineeship program at the EUIPO, gaining invaluable real-world experience and bridging academia and the IP labour market.
This exciting initiative promises to cultivate a new generation of IP experts in Tanzania, fostering a vibrant environment for innovation and creativity. The EUIPO-UDSM partnership empowers future innovators and entrepreneurs to protect their creations and drive economic growth by equipping students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the world of IP with confidence.
About the Pan-European Seal (PES) program
Since 2014, the EUIPO together with the European Patent Office (‘EPO’), implements the PES Programme to strengthen IP collaboration and cultivate a strong bond between the academic community and the labour market. There are currently 142 PES Partner Universities located in 27 EU Member States and there are 11 signatories to the European Patent Convention. The EUIPO has decided to further expand the programme by opening it up to partner countries of EU-funded projects it implements, through bilateral MoUs between the EUIPO and the concerned universities. UDSM is one of the first members to join the PES programme from outside the EU and the European Patent Convention (EPC), and is also a partner country of the AfrIPI project.