Egypt joins TMview

As of 13 December 2021, the Internal Trade Development Authority of Egypt (ITDA) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool.
With ITDA on board of TMview, the tool now contains data from 76 participating offices.
With the addition of more than 131.500 trade marks from ITDA, TMview now provides information and access to more than 102,7 million trade marks in total.
Since the introduction of TMview on 13 April 2010, the tool has served more than 95,6 million searches from users worldwide, with United States, Spain, Germany, Italy and China among the most frequent visitors.
The integration of ITDA in TMview is a concrete result of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
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