EU-funded projects – Call for Expression of Interest for IP expertise – RELEASED

EUIPO has published a Call for Expression of Interest to compile a list of vendors interested in providing independent and specialised expertise on IP rights. This list will aim to assist the International Cooperation Service (ICD) and its EU-funded projects (AfrIPI, CarIPI, AL-INVEST Verde IPR, IP Key LAM, IPKey China, IPKey SEA, SCOPE IPR, EU-Rok IPA and EU4IP) to foster IP cooperation in non-EU countries for the upcoming 4 years.
The scope is divided into sub-lists and includes the IP fields of:
- Trade marks (TM).
- Designs (DS).
- Geographical indications (GI) and Origin-linked products (OLP).
- Plant Varieties (PVR).
- Copyrights.
- Other IP rights and areas (Patents, Utility Models, Trade Secrets etc.).
- Enforcement of IP rights (ENF).
- Appellations, Litigation, Mediation and ADR.
- IP in Education.
- Economic studies on IP.
- IP support to businesses and innovation.
- Promotion of the IP system.
There is no restriction on the maximum number of sub-lists, so vendors can apply to one or several sub-lists, depending on their field of expertise and they should indicate the language(s) in which the IP expertise services can be delivered.
The list resulting from the notice may be used for specific public procurement contracts. Further details can be found in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.