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Formation technique sur les marques pour les examinateurs et engagements avec les agents de propriété intellectuelle des États membres de l'ARIPO

01 Jan 31 Dec

The objectives of this activity are as follows:

  • to provide technical training on substantive trade mark examination and oppositions to trade mark examiners, IP agents and IP attorneys of ARIPO Member States;

  • to provide a platform for experience-sharing and networking for trade mark examiners, IP agents and IP attorneys of ARIPO Member States;

  • to highlight the benefits of EUIPN tools that can improve the efficiency and quality of trade mark examination and processing of opposition matters, such as the Harmonised Database (HDB).

Participating examiners are expected to benefit from the training by improving their skills, capacities, and efficiency in conducting substantive examination of trade mark applications and handling trade mark opposition matters in their national IP offices in the ARIPO region.

Participating IP agents and attorneys are expected to benefit from the training through improved technical skills, updates on IP developments, and networking with IP examiners and other professional colleagues.

Trainings will follow a train-the-trainer approach to ensure a multiplier effect for this activity.

AfrIPI - AWP24 - Activity 11