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Support the registration at EU level of GIs for Kilichi du Niger

01 Jan 31 Dec

Kilichi du Niger was registered as a geographical indication (GI) in the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) system in August 2021. As a famous GI, it is envisaged that it will be registered in the European Union (EU) system. This will give it legal recognition to fight the increases in its misuse.

AfrIPI will support a study tour between the Nigerien producers of Kilichi du Niger and the GI Viande séchée du Valais stakeholders. A local expert has been recruited to take stock of the technical needs for the GI Kilichi du Niger to be registered at EU level. Following that, the study tour aims to capacitate the stakeholders of the GI Kilichi du Niger and give them concrete lines of action regarding traceability, control and certification as they seek registration in the EU system.

The documents for the application at EU level will be prepared during 2023.

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